
Personal Portfolio Website


My Personal Portfolio Website is a platform where I have showcased my abilities, experience, background qualifications, and a range of professional accomplishments in the field of IT. The primary aim of this project is to effectively present my professional journey, expertise, and potential to prospective employers viewing my online CV.

While every detail on the site is a testament to my skills and abilities, this project in itself is a reflection of my proficiency in web development. From back-end functions to front-end aesthetics, every aspect of this website was carefully crafted by me.

Tech Stack: Python, Django, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, AWS, CI/CD.

Sell-It! - Final project


“Sell-It!” is my project developed during the Python Developer course, aimed at creating a platform for listing and selling both new and pre-owned items. This platform leverages Python and the Django framework for robust web development, with PostgreSQL serving as the database backend.

The primary goal of this project is to provide users with an intuitive interface for buying and selling items, fostering a vibrant marketplace. Every feature, from user authentication to item listings, is meticulously crafted to ensure a seamless user experience.

This project not only showcases my technical abilities but also reflects my dedication to creating functional and aesthetically pleasing web applications. With each line of code, I strive to demonstrate my skills in full-stack development, integrating both back-end functionality and front-end design.

Tech Stack: Python, Django, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL.

SCRUM Lab - Meal Planner


“Meal Planner” is a project developed as part of a Scrum Lab exercise, where my team and I collaborated over a two-week sprint. This project was written in Python using the Django framework and provided an invaluable opportunity to simulate real-life programming scenarios.

Throughout the sprint, we utilized Trello for project management, which helped us organize tasks and track our progress effectively. The front-end was prepared in advance, allowing us to focus on building the back-end functionality with Python and Django, while PostgreSQL served as our database solution.

This collaborative effort not only enhanced my technical skills but also reinforced the importance of teamwork and agile methodologies in software development.

Tech Stack: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Trello.